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Tag: roses

How To Make Your Own Bouquet For Friendship Day

Friendship day is just a few weeks away and this is the perfect opportunity to send flowers and gifts to those who really stand by you in life.  Friends can be just as, if not more, important than family sometimes and we should always treasure them.  This year, why don’t you try your hand at putting together a creative friendship day bouquet of flowers?  It will just take a quick trip to the store and your florist and a few moments at home.  Do a trial run now if you aren’t completely sure of your abilities.  These instructions are easy to follow and you will have a fantastic bouquet in no time!

You will need:

– A bunch of yellow roses

– Green carnations

– Clear glass vase

– Flower preserve

– A sharp pair of scissors

– Yellow ribbon


– Make sure that you keep your flowers in a fresh bucket of water while you prepare the vase.

– First clean your vase properly and add a couple of inches of warm water.

– Add the flower preserve to the water and allow it to dissolve.

– Using a very sharp pair of scissors, trim the ends of the flowers  to equal lengths and according to the length of the vase.  The scissors should be sharp so that you don’t damage the stems when you cut them.  Also remember to cut them at an angle so that the surface area for absorption is larger than if cut straight and so that the stems don’t lay flat on the bottom of the vase. If they were to press flat against the vase, this will obstruct absorption and shorten the life of the cut flowers.

– While you are trimming the ends of the stems, you should also remove any excess leaves. Bacteria grows on the stems and leaves that are submerged in water so, but limiting the amount of plant material under water, you reduce the growth of bacteria and thereby extend the cut flowers’ lives.

– Also, it is interesting to know that, by cutting the stems under water, you reduce the chance of air entering the stems and causing an obstruction.

– As you trim your stems, you can begin arranging them in the vase. Start with your yellow roses since they are the floral representation of friendship.  Once they are all in the vase, you can continue by placing the green carnations in between.  Green carnations are great because they add a touch of green without you having to use foliage and they provide the bouquet with an added bit of texture.

– When all your flowers are in place, you can finish it off by wrapping a yellow ribbon around the middle of the vase and tie it in a bow.

– You can finish the bouquet of with more accessories if you like. You can really personalize your work by including a picture of you and your friend together. You can do this in the form of a card or even place the picture on a peg and stick and prop it up in the bouquet.

Famous Flower Legends

In every culture there are myths and legends surrounding most common products of nature. The origins of many different flowers and plants is usually associated to a number of different stories that have been passed on from generation to generation. Often, these ancient stories play a role in the meaning and interpretation of a bouquet and it is quite important to understand these meanings whenever you send flowers to somebody. A simple search for flowers online or a chat with your local florist will provide you with all the information you need to make the right choice in flowers no matter what the occasion.

The Legend Of Roses

One of the most popular flowers that we send these days has to be the rose.  Roses are commonly sent for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Christmas and birthdays.  They are available in many different colours and florists usually keep them in stock throughout the entire year.  In Greek mythology the goddess of flowers , Chloris, came across the body of a nymph in the forest.  Chloris turned the lifeless body into a flower and then requested the help of Dionysus, the god of wine, and Aphrodite, the goddess of love, to give the flower its sweet nectar and beauty.  Zephyrus, the god of the west wind, blew all the clouds away so that Apollo, the sun god could shine on the flower and make it bloom.  For this reason, the meaning associated to roses is mostly one of love and affection.

The peony is a flower loved by many. It is the flower chosen to represent the celebration of your 12th wedding anniversary. According to mythology, Paeon was studying under the god of medicine and healing, Asclepius. Apollo’s mother, the goddess of fertility, Leto instructed him to go to Mount Olympus in search of a magical root known to grow in this particular location.  This root was believed to ease the pain of childbirth. Asclepius became jealous and threatened to kill Paeon. Zeus stepped in and saved him by turning him into a flower. A peony to be exact.  Peonies also have a number of medicinal uses and the symbolic meaning of this flower is compassion.

The Romans believed that as Venus rose out from the ocean, she saw a lily. She was filled with jealousy at the sight of its amazing beauty. Because of this, she gave the lily a massive pistil which was considered an eyesore and ruined the beauty of the flower. Greeks, on the other hand, believed that Zeus dedicated the lily to his wife Hera. Zeus was said to have had a relationship with a mortal who later gave birth to their son, Hercules. Zeus wanted his son to experience the world of the gods and so, he had his wife, Hera, drugged and brought Hercules to nurse from her.  Hera awoke and threw Hercules aside.  As she did so, some milk sprayed across the heavens forming the Milky Way and some drops fell to earth and from this, lilies grew.

Flowers For A Summer Dinner Party

The summertime is usually the most popular time for people to throw parties and have social events.  The weather is perfect for outdoor dinners both formal and informal.  No matter what the occasion or dress code for your summer dinner party, it would certainly not be the same without some carefully selected fresh flowers.  So, amongst all the other arrangements that you need to do, you should get on the phone or go down to your local florist.  For many of those out there, there’s just not much time to do everything so, instead of using your legs for the running around, use your computer instead and visit an online florist or two!

No matter what kind of florist you use, local or online, it is always a good idea to do some research first.  Check for yourself which flowers are in season and do some research as to how delicate or tough they are.  For outdoor parties or ones where children will be around, you will probably want some stronger flowers that won’t wilt with the first touch.  If it is strictly and adult event and will be hosted out of any wind or sunlight, feel free to select some more delicate and elegant blooms.

Dinner Table Flowers

For a casual dinner party, you can use a number of different flowers to decorate your table.  A friendly bunch of sunflowers will brighten everything up and you don’t even need to add anything more.  No foliage or filler flowers.  Just plain, simple sunflowers that are so often associated with the warmth and happiness of summer.  They have strong stems so you don’t have to worry about them wilting and you can arrange them in a vase or you can set them in some floral foam if you prefer a more solid looking design.  Other great flowers for informal social events include gerbera daisies, hydrangeas or chrysanthemums.  The most important thing is to choose as many bright colours as possible to keep the mood light.

As far as a formal dinner is concerned, more elegant flowers should be used.  You can mix them up together but you should stick to a more strict colour theme.  For example, you can use all white flowers but include roses, lilies and even carnations.  You can also use bright colours but not too many at once.  For instance, yellow and purple go well together so how about some purple irises with yellow roses?  For a formal event held indoors, you can be so bold as to decorate with orchids.  In fact, an oriental style arrangement could be just what you need with some orchids, cherry blossoms and bamboo for good luck!  It’s new, it’s fresh and it will certainly be a conversation point during the evening.  You can underline this theme by making use of bamboo placemats and further decorating the table with some loose cherry blossoms.

Pink Flowers For A Summer Wedding

There is no more feminine colour than pink.  Most women will, at some point in their lives, fall in love with this colour and all the various shades that it comes in.  From pastels and pale shades to brighter tones like fuchsia.  This is what makes pink such a wonderful colour to include in your wedding flowers.  During the summer season, your florist should have no trouble at all with supplying you with the finest in pink flowers.  With so many out there, the only trouble you may have is choosing!  In some instances, it is a good idea to either go look at them for yourself or arrange a flower delivery of mixed pink blooms.  If you are planning your wedding for later in the summer, you can have the florist send flowers to you in the beginning of the season to help you make up your mind.


A popular pastel pink flower is the peony.  They are only available during the spring and first few weeks of summer so, if you are planning your wedding for this time of the year then you are safe.  You might not have the time to get your hands on them so take a look at these flowers online and you will see how they can be used in bouquets as well as table arrangements.

There are a number of flowers that are available throughout the year, depending on your location of course.  These include roses, carnations and chrysanthemums.  They are so popular that many florists find them essential to keep in stock at all times.  Although, depending on the time of the year, their prices will fluctuate.  The wonderful thing about these three flowers is that they are available in a wide range of colours.  You will find them in all sorts of shades of pink from almost white to bright fuchsia.  A popular arranging method is to place the darker shades in the middle and, in an almost spiral pattern, fade out towards the edges of the bouquet with the pastel pinks.


The months of July and August bring us the stunning stargazer lily.  This beauty combines pink and white in a single bloom to make it an ideal focal flower in any arrangement.  They are perfect if you plan on using arrangements that consist of both white and pink blooms.  Just make sure that the pinks you choose are lighter in colour compared to that of the stargazers.  This will ensure that the stargazer lilies are indeed the focal point of the arrangement and they really stand out above the rest.

These are just some of the most popular options when it comes to pink themed summer weddings.  Your choice will depend on your location, what your florist can offer you and also how much your budget allows you to spend.  You will also have to take into account your theme.  For tall arrangements, ask your florist about a selection of pink gladioli.  They are also available in a number of shades of pink and will be in season from July to September.

Mythology And Flowers

The symbolism and traditions of today are irrefutably the result of a number of ancient beliefs.  The reasons behind many traditions may have changed over the years but there are those that very much live on.  As far as flowers go, many of their meanings and names come from some or other kind of myth or story.  Your florist is probably familiar with some of the meanings of their most popular flowers since it helps them give advice in terms of choosing the right flowers for the right occasion.  They may not, however, be familiar with all the myths and legends associated with even their best sellers.

Anemone Flowers

While conducting some research, I stumbled upon some pretty interesting myths about flowers.  One is the Greek myth about the Anemone flower.  According to legend, Adonis was loved by both the queen of the underworld, Persephone, and the goddess of love, Aphrodite.  One day, Adonis was enjoying a trip out hunting, which was one of his favourite things to do.  He was all alone in the forest when a boar charged and attacked him.  It stabbed him with its tusks and the blood poured out.  Aphrodite heard him cry out and instantly raced to be by his side.  As Adonis died, red Anemones grew where his blood had fallen.  Other versions say that the Anemones were white and they turned red from his blood.  Anemones are believed to bring luck and ward off evil.

Pastel Pink Rose

Roses are quite certainly the most popular flowers in the world today.  According to Greek mythology, it was Chloris, the goddess of flowers, who was responsible for creating this floral beauty.  While she was walking in the forest, she came across the body of a nymph.  Choris turn it into a flower before asking Dionysys, the god of wine, to give the flower its sweet smell.  She then sought the help of Aphrodite who bestowed on it the greatest of beauty.  The god of the west wind, Zephyrus, blew all the clouds away and allowed Apollo, the sun god, to shine down and make the flower bloom.  Today, roses are commonly associated with the message of love and different colours mean different kinds of love.  Red roses symbolise a passionate form of love while yellow roses are associated with friendship.


Another story that is quite interesting is that of the Peony.  According to myth, Paeon was studying under Asclepius, the god of medicine and healing.  He was instructed by Leto, Apollo’s mother and the goddess of fertility, to venture up Mount Olympus in order to retrieve a magical root that grew only there.  The root was said to posses the power to ease the pain of childbirth.  Overcome with jealousy, Asclepius threatened to kill Paeon.  Zeus, however, came to Paeon’s rescue and turned him into the Peony flower.  In both ancient times and today, Peonies are appreciated for their exquisite beauty and medicinal uses.  Today, the flower is associate with a number of meanings including compassion.  The Peony is also the traditional flower for the 12th wedding anniversary so, if you know somebody celebrating, it would make for a fine flower delivery and an extremely thoughtful gift.

Flowers for confetti

During the spring and summer months, there are so many weddings that it’s hard to keep track!  The sunny weather is certainly one of the main reasons why couples choose this time of year.  For the couple planning their big day, everything must be considered from booking the venue(s), buying the dresses and suits and, let’s not forget, ordering the flowers.  When arranging a wedding, it’s easy to think of the big things that need to be done but the small, seemingly insignificant things are usually done at the last minute.  Let’s take confetti for example.  There are so many people who, at the last minute, just pick some up from a store, pour it all into a basket and let their guests grab a handful.  Or, better yet, let’s do rice.  Let me think about that, how about OUCH!

So you want a natural option but one that won’t come crashing down like a hailstorm of rice, right?  Well then, there really is only one option and that is flower petals.  Available from your garden, your friends’ gardens and maybe even your neighbours wouldn’t mind.  That is, if you are planning a small wedding.  If you have a hundred or so guests, you do NOT want to spend the night before your wedding picking petals.  So, an easier way, order them from your florist along with your flower order.

Rose Petals ConfettiYou may be wondering what kind of flowers to use for your confetti.  That’s simple really.  Roses have the best petals for tossing as they have a bit of weight on them (they won’t remain up in the air forever or get blown away by any wind) and they are soft to the touch.  So, even if your nasty aunt or uncle decides to toss some in your face, it won’t leave you with any scars.

Many couples opt for mixed colours when using fresh flower petals as confetti.  No matter what colour scheme you choose for your big day, nobody is going to check the confetti to make sure it matches.  You could ask your florist for petals in a specific colour but that really is at your florist’s discretion so keep an open mind.

For those who aren’t too bothered about biodegradable products but still want to use flower petals as confetti, take a look around for fabric or silk rose petals.  You can order them ready and packaged or, if you prefer, you can buy some artificial flowers and trim the petals off yourself.  It all depends on which option works out best for you as far as time and budget is concerned.  In fact, just like the fresh flower petals, you might find fabric petals available at your florist.  Do yourself a favour, however, and shop around.  Just as you would shop around for flowers, do the same with floral confetti.  It doesn’t hurt to compare both price and quality.

Popular House Plants To Send As Gifts

We all send flowers to somebody close to us at some point during the year.  Be it for their birthday, anniversary, Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day, flowers are always a winner.  Sometimes, however, we get a bit tired of sending flowers and want to send something similar yet different.  This is why potted plants are becoming an increasingly popular substitutes for sending fresh cut bouquets.  As important as it is to send the right flowers as a gift, it is equally as important to send the right potted plant.

One of the most popular potted plants given as a gift is the African Violet.  They are one of the easiest potted plants to care for and they are known to bloom for quite a long period of time.  Even when they aren’t in bloom, African Violets look lovely in any room.

African Violets

Another popular, but probably more elegant option is a potted orchid.  Orchids, with their long stems and unusual flowers are just perfect for a modern styled home.  They are available in a wide variety of species and colours so you can find the perfect one to suit the home and design of the lucky recipient.  If you are unsure of the colour to choose, there are a number of orchids available in white.  Of course, when you give somebody an orchid, you need to make sure that they have the time to care for it.  Choose a hardy orchid to send to those who have never cared for delicate plants and flowers before.  If they already have one or more orchids thriving under their care, feel free to send any kind of orchid you prefer.

Potted Anthurium

Another tropical potted plant that makes a wonderful gift is a pot of anthuriums.  Just like any other tropical plant or flower, they need to be kept in a warm environment and surrounded by some humidity too.  The soil will need to be kept moist but not too wet and lightly spray the plant every now and then to increase the humidity levels in the plant’s immediate surroundings.

Roses also come in potted varieties and are available from local and online florists.  They should be available in a variety of colours so you have a few to choose from.  Roses do need a certain amount of special care so make sure you ask a professional about this before making your purchase.  When you send your potted roses, send some care guidelines along with it.

Small Palm Tree

Remember that not all potted plants burst into bloom.  Some do not flower but the beauty of their leaves is more than sufficient.  Small varieties of palms, olive trees and even mini topiary bushes are all popular gifts to send.  Often regular non-flowering plants are somewhat easier to take care of than those that bloom.  Take into account the lifestyle of the intended recipient before making your choice so that you can be sure the plant will flourish under their care.

Flower Superstitions

Just like so many other things in life, there are a variety of superstitions associated with different kinds of flowers.  You might not believe in them yourself but, they are still good to keep in mind when you send flowers as a gift.  The last thing you want is to order flowers that are associated with negative superstitions.

Marigolds are believed to be an aphrodisiac and they are a popular addition to wedding flower bouquets.  They are also said to protect against the forces of witchcraft.  Anemones are also said to possess qualities that protect against bad luck and disease.

One of the most popular flowers for so many different occasions are orchids.  It is said that, if a woman eats the tubers of orchids, she will give her husband a daughter.  If the man eats the tubers, his wife will have a boy.

Roses were very often planted at grave sites during Roman times.  The Romans believed that the roses would protect the dead from evil.  Another superstitious belief when it comes to roses is that, if you hold one and it loses its petals, you will pass away soon.  Keep this in mind the next time you give somebody roses and make sure that you have them arranged in a vase in advance!

Dandelion Flower

The superstition surrounding dandelions is an interesting one.  First you need to pick a dandelion that has gone to seed and then blow the seeds into the wind.  Count the number of seeds that have remained and this is the number of children that you will have.  In addition, if a girl closes her eyes and picks a bunch of these flowers, the number of flowers will represent the number of years before she will be married.  Some of these romantic superstitions are so powerful that people still place daisy root under their pillow in the hopes that they will dream of their future spouse!

In certain cultures, a bouquet of flowers that contains an even number of blooms is reserved for the dead.  They will be used at funerals and to place at grave sites.  So, if you want to play it safe, always make sure that your flower deliveries have an uneven number of flowers to avoid any kind of bad luck.

During ancient times, farmers would plant poppies.  These flowers were thought essential for growing corn and wearing poppies is said to help you forget about any troubles you may have.  On that note, if you visit an English home and you specifically wish to give the home owner a primrose bouquet, make sure that you have 13 stems.  Anything less or more is considered to be very bad luck.

If you have a loved one or friend who performs on stage, you should always wait to present them with flowers at the end of the show.  If you do so before the show begins, it is considered very unlucky.  On stage, it is very common for play organisers to make use of artificial flowers in order to prevent any kind of bad luck or accident from occurring during a performance.

If you keep all of these common superstitions in mind when ordering all future fresh flower deliveries, you will be sure not to bring any bad luck upon anyone you love.  You should also remember that different flowers have different meanings and the mythological stories about many different flowers makes for a fascinating topic of conversation.

Flowers Available Year Round

Just as every fruit has it’s own season, the same can be said for flowers. Some flowers bloom during the hotter months of summer while others prefer more moderate to cold temperatures. This is the reason why you don’t always find the exact same kind of flowers available at your local or online florist. However, with the help of technology and the import / export trade agreements between various countries, we are able to purchase a number of flowers when they would normally be unavailable.

Red Roses

The first flower that comes to mind is the rose. In the Southern Hemisphere, these flowers bloom from about December to February. This is the summer period down south. However, in the Northern Hemisphere, they are not naturally in bloom. Now think what would happen to all those people in the north when a day like Valentine’s Day comes around and there are no roses! Not only would customers be disappointed but florists would lose a lot of money. So, roses are grown in greenhouses and imported if need be just to meet the demand. Creating an artificial environment is a pricey thing to do and so is importing so, needless to say, prices of roses around Valentine’s Day are at their highest. They can reach double or even triple the usual price. It is understandable that they should be more expensive but, seriously, triple the normal price?  That seems a bit harsh.

Carnations and chrysanths bouquet

That’s probably why so many people choose alternatives such as carnations or chrysanthemums. They are much cheaper options and carnations are known to outlast cut roses too. In fact, it’s interesting to know that although they are one of the cheaper options, carnations are one of the longest lasting cut flowers.  Second only to orchids.

roses and lilies bouquet

A very important type of flower in any flower shop is the lily. There are so many different kinds available but it is important that a florist keep a few on hand at all times. These elegant blooms are popular as gifts and to be used in centrepieces for various occasions including weddings. That being said, a more simple approach would be the gerbera daisy. Florists try to keep these on hand at all times too. They are available in a wide range of colours and can be used on their own, along with foliage or even as mass flowers in a larger arrangement.

The key to any successful business is the principal of supply and demand. As long as you can offer your clients what they want or need, you are in business. So, although it may be a touch more difficult and expensive to keep out of season flowers in stock or at least make them available upon request, it’s worth it at the end of the day. Every country has a different selection of popular flowers so you must also be aware of this if you ever send an international flower delivery.

A Guide To Making Your Own Potpourri

Potpourri is not just a popular gift but it is one of the best ways to both decorate a room and give it a beautifully fresh smell.  Many people choose to send flowers for occasions like Mother’s Day, birthdays and as house warming gifts but, how about sending a different kind of floral gift next time?  Home made potpourri will not only impress the recipient but they will also realize just how much time and effort you put into creating this gift.  Yes, that’s right, it will take time but the steps are very simple and you can even play around with your very own recipes to create different scents.

What you will need:

  • A variety of flower petals, herbs and leaves of your choice
  • Essential oils of your choice
  • Fixative
  • Container(s) with lid(s)
  • Ceramic dish


  • The first important step is to select the right plant material.  While there are no actual rules when choosing between different flowers, leaves and herbs, it is important to note that different plants have different properties and they also dry at different rates.  Rose petals are a top choice as well as mint leaves since they also dry out very well.  Find what works best for you and what you think the intended recipient will like best.
  • If you aren’t sure about where to look for plant material, you could look around in your own garden or perhaps you have a bouquet of flowers in your home that has started to wilt.  Alternatively, you could even approach a neighbour or your local florist and ask them for anything that they would be willing to spare.
  • Once you have gathered the necessary plant material, you just need to allow it all to dry out.  There are a few ways in which you can do this.  You can pluck the petals from the stem and then allow them to dry.  Another method involves hanging the flowers upside down until they dry out and then removing the petals.  There are even some ways of drying plant material in your microwave to help speed up the process.  Select a method that suits you best but take care not to let the plant material dry out too much or they will become too brittle to handle.
  • You can store any dried plant matter that you have in jars.  Make sure that you fit the lid on tight and keep them in a cool, dry an dark place.  You should also store different flowers or plants in different jars.  Older plant material should not be mixed with newer batches either.
  • When you want to make your potpourri, simply select a little bit of each type of dried plant material and place it all into another container together.
  • Add a fixative like orris root or oakmoss to help the dried petals really absorb the essential oils.  This will help them hold the scent for longer.  The amount of fixative needed will vary depending on the amount of potpourri you are making.  For instance, 2 cups of potpourri will require 1 heaped tablespoon of chopped orris root.  Another tip to remember is that chopped fixatives hold the scent of the oils much longer and better than powdered varieties.
  • Now you can add the essential oils of your choice.  This is the fun part and you can experiment with all sorts of smells.  Create a few small test batches to find out which ones you like best.  When mixing them up, remember to toss the mixture gently while adding the oil in order to ensure even distribution.
  • No you will need to seal the container with the fresh potpourri inside and let it stand for about a week so that the scent can penetrate the plant matter more deeply.
  • When you are ready to use your potpourri, you can then place it in a ceramic dish and place it wherever you like in your home.  If you want to present it as a gift, you can place the potpourri in a little fabric bag and make sure that you give the lucky recipient a ceramic bowl to place the potpourri inside.  Aside from this, you should also give some of the essential oils mixture that you used on these petals.  That way, the recipient can add a few drops now and then to freshen them up a little and make your gift last that much longer.