How To Make Your Own Bouquet For Friendship Day

by prestigeflowers

Friendship day is just a few weeks away and this is the perfect opportunity to send flowers and gifts to those who really stand by you in life.  Friends can be just as, if not more, important than family sometimes and we should always treasure them.  This year, why don’t you try your hand at putting together a creative friendship day bouquet of flowers?  It will just take a quick trip to the store and your florist and a few moments at home.  Do a trial run now if you aren’t completely sure of your abilities.  These instructions are easy to follow and you will have a fantastic bouquet in no time!

You will need:

– A bunch of yellow roses

– Green carnations

– Clear glass vase

– Flower preserve

– A sharp pair of scissors

– Yellow ribbon


– Make sure that you keep your flowers in a fresh bucket of water while you prepare the vase.

– First clean your vase properly and add a couple of inches of warm water.

– Add the flower preserve to the water and allow it to dissolve.

– Using a very sharp pair of scissors, trim the ends of the flowers  to equal lengths and according to the length of the vase.  The scissors should be sharp so that you don’t damage the stems when you cut them.  Also remember to cut them at an angle so that the surface area for absorption is larger than if cut straight and so that the stems don’t lay flat on the bottom of the vase. If they were to press flat against the vase, this will obstruct absorption and shorten the life of the cut flowers.

– While you are trimming the ends of the stems, you should also remove any excess leaves. Bacteria grows on the stems and leaves that are submerged in water so, but limiting the amount of plant material under water, you reduce the growth of bacteria and thereby extend the cut flowers’ lives.

– Also, it is interesting to know that, by cutting the stems under water, you reduce the chance of air entering the stems and causing an obstruction.

– As you trim your stems, you can begin arranging them in the vase. Start with your yellow roses since they are the floral representation of friendship.  Once they are all in the vase, you can continue by placing the green carnations in between.  Green carnations are great because they add a touch of green without you having to use foliage and they provide the bouquet with an added bit of texture.

– When all your flowers are in place, you can finish it off by wrapping a yellow ribbon around the middle of the vase and tie it in a bow.

– You can finish the bouquet of with more accessories if you like. You can really personalize your work by including a picture of you and your friend together. You can do this in the form of a card or even place the picture on a peg and stick and prop it up in the bouquet.